Html File Input Upload Multiple Limit Default

  • Upload by clicking
  • Avatar
  • Default Files
  • Pictures Wall
  • Consummate command over file listing
  • Drag and Drop
  • Upload directory
  • Upload manually
  • Upload png file only
  • Pictures with list manner
  • Customize preview file
  • Max Count
  • Transform file earlier asking
  • Aliyun OSS
  • custom action icon
  • Drag sorting of uploadList
  • Crop epitome earlier uploading
  • Customize Progress Bar
  • API


Upload file by selecting or dragging.

When To Apply#

Uploading is the process of publishing information (web pages, text, pictures, video, etc.) to a remote server via a web page or upload tool.

  • When you need to upload ane or more files.

  • When you need to show the process of uploading.

  • When you need to upload files past dragging and dropping.


Classic style. File pick dialog pops up when upload button is clicked.

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                                          import                      {                      Upload,                      message,                      Button                      }                      from                      'antd'                      ;                      import                      {                      UploadOutlined                      }                      from                      '@emmet-design/icons'                      ;                      const                      props                      =                      {                      proper name                      :                      'file'                      ,                      action                      :                      ''                      ,                      headers                      :                      {                      authorization                      :                      'authorization-text'                      ,                      }                      ,                      onChange                      (                      info                      )                      {                      if                      (info.file.status                      !==                      'uploading'                      )                      {                      console.                      log                      (info.file,                      info.fileList)                      ;                      }                      if                      (info.file.status                      ===                      'done'                      )                      {                      bulletin.                      success                      (                                              `                                                  ${}                                                                          file uploaded successfully                        `                                            )                      ;                      }                      else                      if                      (info.file.condition                      ===                      'error'                      )                      {                      message.                      error                      (                                              `                                                  ${}                                                                          file upload failed.                        `                                            )                      ;                      }                      }                      ,                      }                      ;                      ReactDOM.                      render                      (                                                                        <                          Upload                                                                          {                          ...props}                                                >                                                                                              <                          Push                                                icon                                                  =                          {                                                                                    <                              UploadOutlined                                                        />                                                    }                                                >                      Click to Upload                                                  </                          Push button                                                >                                                                                              </                          Upload                                                >                                            ,                      mountNode,                      )                      ;                                      

Use defaultFileList for uploaded files when page init.

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                                          import                      {                      Upload,                      Button                      }                      from                      'antd'                      ;                      import                      {                      UploadOutlined                      }                      from                      '@pismire-design/icons'                      ;                      const                      props                      =                      {                      activeness                      :                      'https://world wide'                      ,                      onChange                      (                                              {                        file,                        fileList                        }                                            )                      {                      if                      (file.status                      !==                      'uploading'                      )                      {                      console.                      log                      (file,                      fileList)                      ;                      }                      }                      ,                      defaultFileList                      :                      [                      {                      uid                      :                      'i'                      ,                      name                      :                      '30.png'                      ,                      status                      :                      'done'                      ,                      response                      :                      'Server Fault 500'                      ,                      // custom fault message to show                      url                      :                      'http://world wide'                      ,                      }                      ,                      {                      uid                      :                      'ii'                      ,                      name                      :                      'yyy.png'                      ,                      status                      :                      'done'                      ,                      url                      :                      ''                      ,                      }                      ,                      {                      uid                      :                      '3'                      ,                      name                      :                      'zzz.png'                      ,                      status                      :                      'error'                      ,                      response                      :                      'Server Error 500'                      ,                      // custom error message to evidence                      url                      :                      'http://world wide'                      ,                      }                      ,                      ]                      ,                      }                      ;                      ReactDOM.                      render                      (                                                                        <                          Upload                                                                          {                          ...props}                                                >                                                                                              <                          Button                                                icon                                                  =                          {                                                                                    <                              UploadOutlined                                                        />                                                    }                                                >                      Upload                                                  </                          Button                                                >                                                                                              </                          Upload                                                >                                            ,                      mountNode,                      )                      ;                                      

You lot can gain total control over filelist by configuring fileList. You tin can accomplish all kinds of customed functions. The post-obit shows ii circumstances:

  1. limit the number of uploaded files.

  2. read from response and show file link.

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                                          import                      {                      Upload,                      Button                      }                      from                      'antd'                      ;                      import                      {                      UploadOutlined                      }                      from                      '@ant-design/icons'                      ;                      form                      MyUpload                      extends                      React.Component                      {                      country                      =                      {                      fileList                      :                      [                      {                      uid                      :                      '-1'                      ,                      name                      :                      'xxx.png'                      ,                      status                      :                      'done'                      ,                      url                      :                      ''                      ,                      }                      ,                      ]                      ,                      }                      ;                      handleChange                      =                      info                      =>                      {                      permit                      fileList                      =                      [            ]                      ;                      // 1. Limit the number of uploaded files                      // Only to show two recent uploaded files, and onetime ones volition be replaced by the new                      fileList                      =                      fileList.                      slice                      (                      -                      2                      )                      ;                      // 2. Read from response and show file link                      fileList                      =                      fileList.                      map                      (                      file                      =>                      {                      if                      (file.response)                      {                      // Component will show file.url as link                      file.url                      =                      file.response.url;                      }                      return                      file;                      }                      )                      ;                      this                      .                      setState                      (                      {                      fileList                      }                      )                      ;                      }                      ;                      render                      (                      )                      {                      const                      props                      =                      {                      activeness                      :                      'https://world wide'                      ,                      onChange                      :                      this                      .handleChange,                      multiple                      :                      truthful                      ,                      }                      ;                      render                      (                                                                        <                          Upload                                                                          {                          ...props}                                                fileList                                                  =                          {                          this                          .state.fileList}                                                >                                                                                              <                          Button                                                icon                                                  =                          {                                                                                    <                              UploadOutlined                                                        />                                                    }                                                >                      Upload                                                  </                          Button                                                >                                                                                              </                          Upload                                                >                                            )                      ;                      }                      }                      ReactDOM.                      render                      (                                                                        <                          MyUpload                                                />                                            ,                      mountNode)                      ;                                      

You lot tin select and upload a whole directory.

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                                          import                      {                      Upload,                      Button                      }                      from                      'antd'                      ;                      import                      {                      UploadOutlined                      }                      from                      '@ant-design/icons'                      ;                      ReactDOM.                      render                      (                                                                        <                          Upload                                                action                                                  =                          ""                                                directory                        >                                                                                              <                          Push button                                                icon                                                  =                          {                                                                                    <                              UploadOutlined                                                        />                                                    }                                                >                      Upload Directory                                                  </                          Button                                                >                                                                                              </                          Upload                                                >                                            ,                      mountNode,                      )                      ;                                      

beforeUpload only prevent upload beliefs when return fake or reject promise, the prevented file would yet show in file list. Here is the example you can keep prevented files out of list by return UPLOAD.LIST_IGNORE.

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                                          import                      React,                      {                      useState                      }                      from                      'react'                      ;                      import                      {                      Upload,                      Button,                      bulletin                      }                      from                      'antd'                      ;                      import                      {                      UploadOutlined                      }                      from                      '@pismire-blueprint/icons'                      ;                      const                      Uploader                      =                      (                      )                      =>                      {                      const                      props                      =                      {                      beforeUpload                      :                      file                      =>                      {                      const                      isPNG                      =                      file.type                      ===                      'image/png'                      ;                      if                      (                      !isPNG)                      {                      message.                      error                      (                                              `                                                  ${}                                                                          is not a png file                        `                                            )                      ;                      }                      return                      isPNG                      ||                      Upload.                      LIST_IGNORE                      ;                      }                      ,                      onChange                      :                      info                      =>                      {                      panel.                      log                      (info.fileList)                      ;                      }                      ,                      }                      ;                      return                      (                                                                        <                          Upload                                                                          {                          ...props}                                                >                                                                                              <                          Push                                                icon                                                  =                          {                                                                                    <                              UploadOutlined                                                        />                                                    }                                                >                      Upload png only                                                  </                          Button                                                >                                                                                              </                          Upload                                                >                                            )                      ;                      }                      ;                      ReactDOM.                      render                      (                                                                        <                          Uploader                                                />                                            ,                      mountNode)                      ;                                      

Customize local preview. Can handle with non-image format files such as video.

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                                          import                      {                      Upload,                      Push button                      }                      from                      'antd'                      ;                      import                      {                      UploadOutlined                      }                      from                      '@ant-design/icons'                      ;                      const                      props                      =                      {                      action                      :                      '//'                      ,                      listType                      :                      'picture'                      ,                      previewFile                      (                      file                      )                      {                      panel.                      log                      (                      'Your upload file:'                      ,                      file)                      ;                      // Your process logic. Here we just mock to the same file                      return                      fetch                      (                      ''                      ,                      {                      method                      :                      'POST'                      ,                      body                      :                      file,                      }                      )                      .                      then                      (                      res                      =>                      res.                      json                      (                      )                      )                      .                      so                      (                      (                                              {                        thumbnail                        }                                            )                      =>                      thumbnail)                      ;                      }                      ,                      }                      ;                      ReactDOM.                      render                      (                                                                        <                          Upload                                                                          {                          ...props}                                                >                                                                                              <                          Button                                                icon                                                  =                          {                                                                                    <                              UploadOutlined                                                        />                                                    }                                                >                      Upload                                                  </                          Button                                                >                                                                                              </                          Upload                                                >                                            ,                      mountNode,                      )                      ;                                      

Use beforeUpload for transform file earlier asking such as add a watermark.

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                                          import                      {                      Upload,                      Push button                      }                      from                      'antd'                      ;                      import                      {                      UploadOutlined                      }                      from                      '@pismire-pattern/icons'                      ;                      const                      props                      =                      {                      action                      :                      ''                      ,                      listType                      :                      'picture'                      ,                      beforeUpload                      (                      file                      )                      {                      return                      new                      Promise                      (                      resolve                      =>                      {                      const                      reader                      =                      new                      FileReader                      (                      )                      ;                      reader.                      readAsDataURL                      (file)                      ;                      reader.                      onload                      =                      (                      )                      =>                      {                      const                      img                      =                      document.                      createElement                      (                      'img'                      )                      ;                      img.src                      =                      reader.result;                      img.                      onload                      =                      (                      )                      =>                      {                      const                      canvass                      =                      certificate.                      createElement                      (                      'canvas'                      )                      ;                      canvas.width                      =                      img.naturalWidth;                      canvas.peak                      =                      img.naturalHeight;                      const                      ctx                      =                      canvas.                      getContext                      (                      '2d'                      )                      ;                      ctx.                      drawImage                      (img,                      0                      ,                      0                      )                      ;                      ctx.fillStyle                      =                      'red'                      ;                      ctx.textBaseline                      =                      'centre'                      ;                      ctx.font                      =                      '33px Arial'                      ;                      ctx.                      fillText                      (                      'Ant Pattern'                      ,                      twenty                      ,                      xx                      )                      ;                      canvas.                      toBlob                      (resolve)                      ;                      }                      ;                      }                      ;                      }                      )                      ;                      }                      ,                      }                      ;                      ReactDOM.                      return                      (                                                                        <                          Upload                                                                          {                          ...props}                                                >                                                                                              <                          Push                                                icon                                                  =                          {                                                                                    <                              UploadOutlined                                                        />                                                    }                                                >                      Upload                                                  </                          Button                                                >                                                                                              </                          Upload                                                >                                            ,                      mountNode,                      )                      ;                                      

Utilise showUploadList for custom action icons of files.

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                                          import                      {                      Upload,                      Button                      }                      from                      'antd'                      ;                      import                      {                      UploadOutlined,                      StarOutlined                      }                      from                      '@pismire-design/icons'                      ;                      const                      props                      =                      {                      activity                      :                      ''                      ,                      onChange                      (                                              {                        file,                        fileList                        }                                            )                      {                      if                      (file.condition                      !==                      'uploading'                      )                      {                      panel.                      log                      (file,                      fileList)                      ;                      }                      }                      ,                      defaultFileList                      :                      [                      {                      uid                      :                      '1'                      ,                      proper name                      :                      'xxx.png'                      ,                      status                      :                      'done'                      ,                      response                      :                      'Server Error 500'                      ,                      // custom error message to bear witness                      url                      :                      'http://world wide'                      ,                      }                      ,                      {                      uid                      :                      'two'                      ,                      name                      :                      'yyy.png'                      ,                      status                      :                      'done'                      ,                      url                      :                      ''                      ,                      }                      ,                      {                      uid                      :                      'three'                      ,                      name                      :                      'zzz.png'                      ,                      condition                      :                      'error'                      ,                      response                      :                      'Server Fault 500'                      ,                      // custom fault message to prove                      url                      :                      ''                      ,                      }                      ,                      ]                      ,                      showUploadList                      :                      {                      showDownloadIcon                      :                      true                      ,                      downloadIcon                      :                      'download '                      ,                      showRemoveIcon                      :                      truthful                      ,                      removeIcon                      :                                                                        <                          StarOutlined                                                onClick                                                  =                          {                          east                          =>                          panel.                          log                          (e,                          'custom removeIcon event'                          )                          }                                                />                                            ,                      }                      ,                      }                      ;                      ReactDOM.                      render                      (                                                                        <                          Upload                                                                          {                          ...props}                                                >                                                                                              <                          Button                                                icon                                                  =                          {                                                                                    <                              UploadOutlined                                                        />                                                    }                                                >                      Upload                                                  </                          Push button                                                >                                                                                              </                          Upload                                                >                                            ,                      mountNode,                      )                      ;                                      

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                                          import                      React,                      {                      useState                      }                      from                      'react'                      ;                      import                      {                      Upload                      }                      from                      'antd'                      ;                      import                      ImgCrop                      from                      'antd-img-crop'                      ;                      const                      Demo                      =                      (                      )                      =>                      {                      const                      [fileList,                      setFileList]                      =                      useState                      (                      [                      {                      uid                      :                      '-ane'                      ,                      proper noun                      :                      'image.png'                      ,                      status                      :                      'done'                      ,                      url                      :                      ''                      ,                      }                      ,                      ]                      )                      ;                      const                      onChange                      =                      (                                              {                        fileList                        :                        newFileList                        }                                            )                      =>                      {                      setFileList                      (newFileList)                      ;                      }                      ;                      const                      onPreview                      =                      async                      file                      =>                      {                      permit                      src                      =                      file.url;                      if                      (                      !src)                      {                      src                      =                      wait                      new                      Promise                      (                      resolve                      =>                      {                      const                      reader                      =                      new                      FileReader                      (                      )                      ;                      reader.                      readAsDataURL                      (file.originFileObj)                      ;                      reader.                      onload                      =                      (                      )                      =>                      resolve                      (reader.event)                      ;                      }                      )                      ;                      }                      const                      prototype                      =                      new                      Image                      (                      )                      ;                      image.src                      =                      src;                      const                      imgWindow                      =                      window.                      open                      (src)                      ;                      imgWindow.document.                      write                      (image.outerHTML)                      ;                      }                      ;                      return                      (                                                                        <                          ImgCrop                                                rotate                        >                                                                                              <                          Upload                                                action                                                  =                          "https://world wide"                                                listType                                                  =                          "picture-card"                                                fileList                                                  =                          {fileList}                                                onChange                                                  =                          {onChange}                                                onPreview                                                  =                          {onPreview}                                                >                                            {fileList.length                      <                      5                      &&                      '+ Upload'                      }                                                                        </                          Upload                                                >                                                                                              </                          ImgCrop                                                >                                            )                      ;                      }                      ;                      ReactDOM.                      render                      (                                                                        <                          Demo                                                />                                            ,                      mountNode)                      ;                                      

Click to upload user'south avatar, and validate size and format of film with beforeUpload.

The render value of function beforeUpload can exist a Hope to cheque asynchronously. demo

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                                              import                        {                        Upload,                        message                        }                        from                        'antd'                        ;                        import                        {                        LoadingOutlined,                        PlusOutlined                        }                        from                        '@emmet-design/icons'                        ;                        function                        getBase64                        (                        img,                          callback                        )                        {                        const                        reader                        =                        new                        FileReader                        (                        )                        ;                        reader.                        addEventListener                        (                        'load'                        ,                        (                        )                        =>                        callback                        (reader.issue)                        )                        ;                        reader.                        readAsDataURL                        (img)                        ;                        }                        function                        beforeUpload                        (                        file                        )                        {                        const                        isJpgOrPng                        =                        file.blazon                        ===                        'image/jpeg'                        ||                        file.type                        ===                        'image/png'                        ;                        if                        (                        !isJpgOrPng)                        {                        bulletin.                        error                        (                        'You tin can only upload JPG/PNG file!'                        )                        ;                        }                        const                        isLt2M                        =                        file.size                        /                        1024                        /                        1024                        <                        two                        ;                        if                        (                        !isLt2M)                        {                        bulletin.                        error                        (                        'Image must smaller than 2MB!'                        )                        ;                        }                        render                        isJpgOrPng                        &&                        isLt2M;                        }                        class                        Avatar                        extends                        React.Component                        {                        state                        =                        {                        loading                        :                        false                        ,                        }                        ;                        handleChange                        =                        info                        =>                        {                        if                        (info.file.status                        ===                        'uploading'                        )                        {                        this                        .                        setState                        (                        {                        loading                        :                        true                        }                        )                        ;                        return                        ;                        }                        if                        (info.file.condition                        ===                        'done'                        )                        {                        // Get this url from response in existent world.                        getBase64                        (info.file.originFileObj,                        imageUrl                        =>                        this                        .                        setState                        (                        {                        imageUrl,                        loading                        :                        false                        ,                        }                        )                        ,                        )                        ;                        }                        }                        ;                        return                        (                        )                        {                        const                        {                        loading,                        imageUrl                        }                        =                        this                        .state;                        const                        uploadButton                        =                        (                                                                              <div                          >                                                {loading                        ?                                                                              <                            LoadingOutlined                                                    />                                                :                                                                              <                            PlusOutlined                                                    />                                                }                                                                              <div                          style                                                      =                            {                            {                            marginTop                            :                            8                            }                            }                                                    >                        Upload                                                      </div                          >                                                                                                      </div                          >                                                )                        ;                        render                        (                                                                              <                            Upload                                                    name                                                      =                            "avatar"                                                    listType                                                      =                            "picture-menu"                                                    className                                                      =                            "avatar-uploader"                                                    showUploadList                                                      =                            {                            fake                            }                                                    action                                                      =                            ""                                                    beforeUpload                                                      =                            {beforeUpload}                                                    onChange                                                      =                            {                            this                            .handleChange}                                                    >                                                {imageUrl                        ?                                                                              <img                          src                                                      =                            {imageUrl}                                                    alt                                                      =                            "avatar"                                                    style                                                      =                            {                            {                            width                            :                            '100%'                            }                            }                                                    />                                                :                        uploadButton}                                                                              </                            Upload                                                    >                                                )                        ;                        }                        }                        ReactDOM.                        render                        (                                                                              <                            Avatar                                                    />                                                ,                        mountNode)                        ;                                          
                                                                        .avatar-uploader                          >                          .ant-upload                                                {                        width                        :                        128px;                        height                        :                        128px;                        }                                          

Subsequently users upload flick, the thumbnail will be shown in listing. The upload button will disappear when count meets limitation.

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                                          import                      {                      Upload,                      Modal                      }                      from                      'antd'                      ;                      import                      {                      PlusOutlined                      }                      from                      '@pismire-pattern/icons'                      ;                      office                      getBase64                      (                      file                      )                      {                      render                      new                      Promise                      (                      (                      resolve,                        reject                      )                      =>                      {                      const                      reader                      =                      new                      FileReader                      (                      )                      ;                      reader.                      readAsDataURL                      (file)                      ;                      reader.                      onload                      =                      (                      )                      =>                      resolve                      (reader.result)                      ;                      reader.                      onerror                      =                      error                      =>                      reject                      (mistake)                      ;                      }                      )                      ;                      }                      class                      PicturesWall                      extends                      React.Component                      {                      state                      =                      {                      previewVisible                      :                      false                      ,                      previewImage                      :                      ''                      ,                      previewTitle                      :                      ''                      ,                      fileList                      :                      [                      {                      uid                      :                      '-1'                      ,                      proper noun                      :                      'paradigm.png'                      ,                      status                      :                      'done'                      ,                      url                      :                      ''                      ,                      }                      ,                      {                      uid                      :                      '-two'                      ,                      name                      :                      'image.png'                      ,                      status                      :                      'done'                      ,                      url                      :                      ''                      ,                      }                      ,                      {                      uid                      :                      '-3'                      ,                      name                      :                      'image.png'                      ,                      status                      :                      'done'                      ,                      url                      :                      ''                      ,                      }                      ,                      {                      uid                      :                      '-4'                      ,                      proper noun                      :                      'image.png'                      ,                      condition                      :                      'done'                      ,                      url                      :                      ''                      ,                      }                      ,                      {                      uid                      :                      '-xxx'                      ,                      per centum                      :                      50                      ,                      name                      :                      'paradigm.png'                      ,                      condition                      :                      'uploading'                      ,                      url                      :                      ''                      ,                      }                      ,                      {                      uid                      :                      '-5'                      ,                      name                      :                      'image.png'                      ,                      status                      :                      'mistake'                      ,                      }                      ,                      ]                      ,                      }                      ;                      handleCancel                      =                      (                      )                      =>                      this                      .                      setState                      (                      {                      previewVisible                      :                      false                      }                      )                      ;                      handlePreview                      =                      async                      file                      =>                      {                      if                      (                      !file.url                      &&                      !file.preview)                      {                      file.preview                      =                      await                      getBase64                      (file.originFileObj)                      ;                      }                      this                      .                      setState                      (                      {                      previewImage                      :                      file.url                      ||                      file.preview,                      previewVisible                      :                      true                      ,                      previewTitle                      :                      file.proper name                      ||                      file.url.                      substring                      (file.url.                      lastIndexOf                      (                      '/'                      )                      +                      1                      )                      ,                      }                      )                      ;                      }                      ;                      handleChange                      =                      (                                              {                        fileList                        }                                            )                      =>                      this                      .                      setState                      (                      {                      fileList                      }                      )                      ;                      return                      (                      )                      {                      const                      {                      previewVisible,                      previewImage,                      fileList,                      previewTitle                      }                      =                      this                      .state;                      const                      uploadButton                      =                      (                                                                        <div                        >                                                                                              <                          PlusOutlined                                                />                                                                                              <div                        style                                                  =                          {                          {                          marginTop                          :                          eight                          }                          }                                                >                      Upload                                                  </div                        >                                                                                              </div                        >                                            )                      ;                      render                      (                                                                        <                                                >                                                                                              <                          Upload                                                activeness                                                  =                          ""                                                listType                                                  =                          "picture-card"                                                fileList                                                  =                          {fileList}                                                onPreview                                                  =                          {                          this                          .handlePreview}                                                onChange                                                  =                          {                          this                          .handleChange}                                                >                                            {fileList.length                      >=                      8                      ?                      null                      :                      uploadButton}                                                                        </                          Upload                                                >                                                                                              <                          Modal                                                visible                                                  =                          {previewVisible}                                                title                                                  =                          {previewTitle}                                                footer                                                  =                          {                          null                          }                                                onCancel                                                  =                          {                          this                          .handleCancel}                                                >                                                                                              <img                        alt                                                  =                          "instance"                                                style                                                  =                          {                          {                          width                          :                          '100%'                          }                          }                                                src                                                  =                          {previewImage}                                                />                                                                                              </                          Modal                                                >                                                                                              </                                                >                                            )                      ;                      }                      }                      ReactDOM.                      render                      (                                                                        <                          PicturesWall                                                />                                            ,                      mountNode)                      ;                                      

Click or elevate file to this area to upload

Support for a single or bulk upload. Strictly prohibit from uploading visitor information or other band files

You tin can drag files to a specific area, to upload. Alternatively, y'all can likewise upload by selecting.

We tin upload serveral files at once in modern browsers by giving the input the multiple attribute.

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                                          import                      {                      Upload,                      message                      }                      from                      'antd'                      ;                      import                      {                      InboxOutlined                      }                      from                      '@ant-design/icons'                      ;                      const                      {                      Dragger                      }                      =                      Upload;                      const                      props                      =                      {                      proper name                      :                      'file'                      ,                      multiple                      :                      true                      ,                      action                      :                      'https://world wide'                      ,                      onChange                      (                      info                      )                      {                      const                      {                      status                      }                      =                      info.file;                      if                      (condition                      !==                      'uploading'                      )                      {                      console.                      log                      (info.file,                      info.fileList)                      ;                      }                      if                      (condition                      ===                      'done'                      )                      {                      message.                      success                      (                                              `                                                  ${info.file.proper noun}                                                                          file uploaded successfully.                        `                                            )                      ;                      }                      else                      if                      (status                      ===                      'fault'                      )                      {                      message.                      mistake                      (                                              `                                                  ${info.file.proper name}                                                                          file upload failed.                        `                                            )                      ;                      }                      }                      ,                      onDrop                      (                      e                      )                      {                      console.                      log                      (                      'Dropped files'                      ,                      eastward.dataTransfer.files)                      ;                      }                      ,                      }                      ;                      ReactDOM.                      render                      (                                                                        <                          Dragger                                                                          {                          ...props}                                                >                                                                                              <p                        className                                                  =                          "ant-upload-drag-icon"                                                >                                                                                              <                          InboxOutlined                                                />                                                                                              </p                        >                                                                                              <p                        className                                                  =                          "ant-upload-text"                                                >                      Click or elevate file to                      this                      area to upload                                                  </p                        >                                                                                              <p                        className                                                  =                          "emmet-upload-hint"                                                >                                            Support                      for                      a single or bulk upload.                      Strictly prohibit from uploading company information or other       band files                                                                        </p                        >                                                                                              </                          Dragger                                                >                                            ,                      mountNode,                      )                      ;                                      

Upload files manually afterwards beforeUpload returns false.

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                                          import                      {                      Upload,                      Push,                      message                      }                      from                      'antd'                      ;                      import                      {                      UploadOutlined                      }                      from                      '@ant-design/icons'                      ;                      class                      Demo                      extends                      React.Component                      {                      state                      =                      {                      fileList                      :                      [                      ]                      ,                      uploading                      :                      false                      ,                      }                      ;                      handleUpload                      =                      (                      )                      =>                      {                      const                      {                      fileList                      }                      =                      this                      .country;                      const                      formData                      =                      new                      FormData                      (                      )                      ;                      fileList.                      forEach                      (                      file                      =>                      {                      formData.                      append                      (                      'files[]'                      ,                      file)                      ;                      }                      )                      ;                      this                      .                      setState                      (                      {                      uploading                      :                      truthful                      ,                      }                      )                      ;                      // You can use any AJAX library you like                      fetch                      (                      ''                      ,                      {                      method                      :                      'Mail'                      ,                      body                      :                      formData,                      }                      )                      .                      and so                      (                      res                      =>                      res.                      json                      (                      )                      )                      .                      and then                      (                      (                      )                      =>                      {                      this                      .                      setState                      (                      {                      fileList                      :                      [                      ]                      ,                      }                      )                      ;                      message.                      success                      (                      'upload successfully.'                      )                      ;                      }                      )                      .                      take hold of                      (                      (                      )                      =>                      {                      message.                      error                      (                      'upload failed.'                      )                      ;                      }                      )                      .                      finally                      (                      (                      )                      =>                      {                      this                      .                      setState                      (                      {                      uploading                      :                      false                      ,                      }                      )                      ;                      }                      )                      ;                      }                      ;                      render                      (                      )                      {                      const                      {                      uploading,                      fileList                      }                      =                      this                      .land;                      const                      props                      =                      {                      onRemove                      :                      file                      =>                      {                      this                      .                      setState                      (                      country                      =>                      {                      const                      alphabetize                      =                      state.fileList.                      indexOf                      (file)                      ;                      const                      newFileList                      =                      state.fileList.                      slice                      (                      )                      ;                      newFileList.                      splice                      (index,                      one                      )                      ;                      return                      {                      fileList                      :                      newFileList,                      }                      ;                      }                      )                      ;                      }                      ,                      beforeUpload                      :                      file                      =>                      {                      this                      .                      setState                      (                      state                      =>                      (                      {                      fileList                      :                      [                      ...state.fileList,                      file]                      ,                      }                      )                      )                      ;                      return                      fake                      ;                      }                      ,                      fileList,                      }                      ;                      return                      (                                                                        <                                                >                                                                                              <                          Upload                                                                          {                          ...props}                                                >                                                                                              <                          Push button                                                icon                                                  =                          {                                                                                    <                              UploadOutlined                                                        />                                                    }                                                >                      Select File                                                  </                          Button                                                >                                                                                              </                          Upload                                                >                                                                                              <                          Push                                                type                                                  =                          "master"                                                onClick                                                  =                          {                          this                          .handleUpload}                                                disabled                                                  =                          {fileList.length                          ===                          0                          }                                                loading                                                  =                          {uploading}                                                style                                                  =                          {                          {                          marginTop                          :                          sixteen                          }                          }                                                >                                            {uploading                      ?                      'Uploading'                      :                      'Beginning Upload'                      }                                                                        </                          Button                                                >                                                                                              </                                                >                                            )                      ;                      }                      }                      ReactDOM.                      render                      (                                                                        <                          Demo                                                />                                            ,                      mountNode)                      ;                                      

If uploaded file is a picture, the thumbnail can exist shown. IE8/9 do not support local thumbnail prove. Please apply thumbUrl instead.

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                                              import                        {                        Upload,                        Button                        }                        from                        'antd'                        ;                        import                        {                        UploadOutlined                        }                        from                        '@pismire-design/icons'                        ;                        const                        fileList                        =                        [                        {                        uid                        :                        '-ane'                        ,                        proper noun                        :                        'xxx.png'                        ,                        status                        :                        'washed'                        ,                        url                        :                        ''                        ,                        thumbUrl                        :                        ''                        ,                        }                        ,                        {                        uid                        :                        '-2'                        ,                        name                        :                        'yyy.png'                        ,                        status                        :                        'error'                        ,                        }                        ,                        ]                        ;                        ReactDOM.                        render                        (                                                                              <                                                    >                                                                                                      <                            Upload                                                    action                                                      =                            ""                                                    listType                                                      =                            "picture"                                                    defaultFileList                                                      =                            {                            [                            ...fileList]                            }                                                    >                                                                                                      <                            Button                                                    icon                                                      =                            {                                                                                          <                                UploadOutlined                                                            />                                                        }                                                    >                        Upload                                                      </                            Button                                                    >                                                                                                      </                            Upload                                                    >                                                                                                      <br                          />                                                                                                      <br                          />                                                                                                      <                            Upload                                                    activeness                                                      =                            ""                                                    listType                                                      =                            "motion-picture show"                                                    defaultFileList                                                      =                            {                            [                            ...fileList]                            }                                                    className                                                      =                            "upload-list-inline"                                                    >                                                                                                      <                            Button                                                    icon                                                      =                            {                                                                                          <                                UploadOutlined                                                            />                                                        }                                                    >                        Upload                                                      </                            Button                                                    >                                                                                                      </                            Upload                                                    >                                                                                                      </                                                    >                                                ,                        mountNode,                        )                        ;                                          
                                              /* tile uploaded pictures */                                                  .upload-list-inline                          .pismire-upload-list-item                                                {                        float                        :                        left;                        width                        :                        200px;                        margin-right                        :                        viiipx;                        }                                                  .upload-list-inline                          [grade*='-upload-list-rtl']                          .emmet-upload-listing-item                                                {                        float                        :                        right;                        }                                          

Limit files with maxCount. Will supplant current ane when maxCount is 1.

expand code expand code

                                          import                      {                      Upload,                      Push button,                      Infinite                      }                      from                      'antd'                      ;                      import                      {                      UploadOutlined                      }                      from                      '@ant-design/icons'                      ;                      ReactDOM.                      render                      (                                                                        <                          Space                                                direction                                                  =                          "vertical"                                                style                                                  =                          {                          {                          width                          :                          '100%'                          }                          }                                                size                                                  =                          "large"                                                >                                                                                              <                          Upload                                                action                                                  =                          "https://world wide"                                                listType                                                  =                          "motion-picture show"                                                maxCount                                                  =                          {                          one                          }                                                >                                                                                              <                          Button                                                icon                                                  =                          {                                                                                    <                              UploadOutlined                                                        />                                                    }                                                >                                            Upload                      (Max:                      1                      )                                                                        </                          Button                                                >                                                                                              </                          Upload                                                >                                                                                              <                          Upload                                                activity                                                  =                          ""                                                listType                                                  =                          "picture"                                                maxCount                                                  =                          {                          three                          }                                                multiple                        >                                                                                              <                          Button                                                icon                                                  =                          {                                                                                    <                              UploadOutlined                                                        />                                                    }                                                >                                            Upload                      (Max:                      3                      )                                                                        </                          Push button                                                >                                                                                              </                          Upload                                                >                                                                                              </                          Space                                                >                                            ,                      mountNode,                      )                      ;                                      

Use Aliyun OSS upload example.

expand code expand code

                                          import                      {                      Form,                      Upload,                      bulletin,                      Push button                      }                      from                      'antd'                      ;                      import                      {                      UploadOutlined                      }                      from                      '@ant-design/icons'                      ;                      grade                      AliyunOSSUpload                      extends                      React.Component                      {                      country                      =                      {                      OSSData                      :                      {                      }                      ,                      }                      ;                      async                      componentDidMount                      (                      )                      {                      await                      this                      .                      init                      (                      )                      ;                      }                      init                      =                      async                      (                      )                      =>                      {                      endeavour                      {                      const                      OSSData                      =                      expect                      this                      .                      mockGetOSSData                      (                      )                      ;                      this                      .                      setState                      (                      {                      OSSData,                      }                      )                      ;                      }                      catch                      (mistake)                      {                      message.                      error                      (error)                      ;                      }                      }                      ;                      // Mock become OSS api                      //                      mockGetOSSData                      =                      (                      )                      =>                      (                      {                      dir                      :                      'user-dir/'                      ,                      expire                      :                      '1577811661'                      ,                      host                      :                      '//'                      ,                      accessId                      :                      'c2hhb2RhaG9uZw=='                      ,                      policy                      :                      'eGl4aWhhaGFrdWt1ZGFkYQ=='                      ,                      signature                      :                      'ZGFob25nc2hhbw=='                      ,                      }                      )                      ;                      onChange                      =                      (                                              {                        fileList                        }                                            )                      =>                      {                      const                      {                      onChange                      }                      =                      this                      .props;                      console.                      log                      (                      'Aliyun OSS:'                      ,                      fileList)                      ;                      if                      (onChange)                      {                      onChange                      (                      [                      ...fileList]                      )                      ;                      }                      }                      ;                      onRemove                      =                      file                      =>                      {                      const                      {                      value,                      onChange                      }                      =                      this                      .props;                      const                      files                      =                      value.                      filter                      (                      5                      =>                      v.url                      !==                      file.url)                      ;                      if                      (onChange)                      {                      onChange                      (files)                      ;                      }                      }                      ;                      getExtraData                      =                      file                      =>                      {                      const                      {                      OSSData                      }                      =                      this                      .state;                      render                      {                      central                      :                      file.url,                      OSSAccessKeyId                      :                      OSSData.accessId,                      policy                      :                      OSSData.policy,                      Signature                      :                      OSSData.signature,                      }                      ;                      }                      ;                      beforeUpload                      =                      async                      file                      =>                      {                      const                      {                      OSSData                      }                      =                      this                      .country;                      const                      expire                      =                      OSSData.elapse                      *                      1000                      ;                      if                      (expire                      <                      Engagement.                      now                      (                      )                      )                      {                      await                      this                      .                      init                      (                      )                      ;                      }                      const                      suffix                      =                                  piece                      (                      lastIndexOf                      (                      '.'                      )                      )                      ;                      const                      filename                      =                      Date.                      now                      (                      )                      +                      suffix;                      file.url                      =                      OSSData.dir                      +                      filename;                      return                      file;                      }                      ;                      render                      (                      )                      {                      const                      {                      value                      }                      =                      this                      .props;                      const                      props                      =                      {                      proper noun                      :                      'file'                      ,                      fileList                      :                      value,                      activity                      :                      this            ,                      onChange                      :                      this                      .onChange,                      onRemove                      :                      this                      .onRemove,                      data                      :                      this                      .getExtraData,                      beforeUpload                      :                      this                      .beforeUpload,                      }                      ;                      return                      (                                                                        <                          Upload                                                                          {                          ...props}                                                >                                                                                              <                          Button                                                icon                                                  =                          {                                                                                    <                              UploadOutlined                                                        />                                                    }                                                >                      Click to Upload                                                  </                          Button                                                >                                                                                              </                          Upload                                                >                                            )                      ;                      }                      }                      const                      FormPage                      =                      (                      )                      =>                      (                                                                        <                          Course                                                labelCol                                                  =                          {                          {                          span                          :                          4                          }                          }                                                >                                                                                              <                          Course.Item                                                label                                                  =                          "Photos"                                                name                                                  =                          "photos"                                                >                                                                                              <                          AliyunOSSUpload                                                />                                                                                              </                          Form.Detail                                                >                                                                                              </                          Form                                                >                                            )                      ;                      ReactDOM.                      render                      (                                                                        <                          FormPage                                                />                                            ,                      mountNode)                      ;                                      

By using itemRender, we can integrate upload with react-dnd to implement drag sorting of uploadList.

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                                              import                        React,                        {                        useState,                        useCallback,                        useRef                        }                        from                        'react'                        ;                        import                        {                        Upload,                        Push,                        Tooltip                        }                        from                        'antd'                        ;                        import                        {                        DndProvider,                        useDrag,                        useDrop                        }                        from                        'react-dnd'                        ;                        import                        {                        HTML5Backend                        }                        from                        'react-dnd-html5-backend'                        ;                        import                        update                        from                        'immutability-helper'                        ;                        import                        {                        UploadOutlined                        }                        from                        '@emmet-design/icons'                        ;                        const                        type                        =                        'DragableUploadList'                        ;                        const                        DragableUploadListItem                        =                        (                                                  {                          originNode,                          moveRow,                          file,                          fileList                          }                                                )                        =>                        {                        const                        ref                        =                        React.                        useRef                        (                        )                        ;                        const                        index                        =                        fileList.                        indexOf                        (file)                        ;                        const                        [                        {                        isOver,                        dropClassName                        }                        ,                        drop]                        =                        useDrop                        (                        {                        accept                        :                        type,                        collect                        :                        monitor                        =>                        {                        const                        {                        index                        :                        dragIndex                        }                        =                        monitor.                        getItem                        (                        )                        ||                        {                        }                        ;                        if                        (dragIndex                        ===                        index)                        {                        render                        {                        }                        ;                        }                        return                        {                        isOver                        :                        monitor.                        isOver                        (                        )                        ,                        dropClassName                        :                        dragIndex                        <                        alphabetize                        ?                        ' drib-over-downward'                        :                        ' driblet-over-upward'                        ,                        }                        ;                        }                        ,                        drop                        :                        item                        =>                        {                        moveRow                        (item.alphabetize,                        index)                        ;                        }                        ,                        }                        )                        ;                        const                        [                        ,                        drag]                        =                        useDrag                        (                        {                        type,                        particular                        :                        {                        index                        }                        ,                        collect                        :                        monitor                        =>                        (                        {                        isDragging                        :                        monitor.                        isDragging                        (                        )                        ,                        }                        )                        ,                        }                        )                        ;                        driblet                        (                        drag                        (ref)                        )                        ;                        const                        errorNode                        =                                                                              <                            Tooltip                                                    championship                                                      =                            "Upload Fault"                                                    >                                                {originNode.props.children}                                                                              </                            Tooltip                                                    >                                                ;                        return                        (                                                                              <div                          ref                                                      =                            {ref}                                                    className                                                      =                            {                                                          `                              ant-upload-draggable-list-particular                                                                                            ${isOver                                ?                                dropClassName                                :                                ''                                }                                                            `                                                        }                                                    fashion                                                      =                            {                            {                            cursor                            :                            'movement'                            }                            }                                                    >                                                {file.condition                        ===                        'error'                        ?                        errorNode                        :                        originNode}                                                                              </div                          >                                                )                        ;                        }                        ;                        const                        DragSortingUpload                        =                        (                        )                        =>                        {                        const                        [fileList,                        setFileList]                        =                        useState                        (                        [                        {                        uid                        :                        '-i'                        ,                        name                        :                        'image1.png'                        ,                        status                        :                        'done'                        ,                        url                        :                        ''                        ,                        }                        ,                        {                        uid                        :                        '-two'                        ,                        name                        :                        'image2.png'                        ,                        condition                        :                        'washed'                        ,                        url                        :                        ''                        ,                        }                        ,                        {                        uid                        :                        '-iii'                        ,                        name                        :                        'image3.png'                        ,                        status                        :                        'done'                        ,                        url                        :                        ''                        ,                        }                        ,                        {                        uid                        :                        '-4'                        ,                        name                        :                        'image4.png'                        ,                        status                        :                        'done'                        ,                        url                        :                        ''                        ,                        }                        ,                        {                        uid                        :                        '-5'                        ,                        name                        :                        'epitome.png'                        ,                        status                        :                        'mistake'                        ,                        }                        ,                        ]                        )                        ;                        const                        moveRow                        =                        useCallback                        (                        (                        dragIndex,                          hoverIndex                        )                        =>                        {                        const                        dragRow                        =                        fileList[dragIndex]                        ;                        setFileList                        (                        update                        (fileList,                        {                        $splice                        :                        [                        [dragIndex,                        1                        ]                        ,                        [hoverIndex,                        0                        ,                        dragRow]                        ,                        ]                        ,                        }                        )                        ,                        )                        ;                        }                        ,                        [fileList]                        ,                        )                        ;                        const                        onChange                        =                        (                                                  {                          fileList                          :                          newFileList                          }                                                )                        =>                        {                        setFileList                        (newFileList)                        ;                        }                        ;                        return                        (                                                                              <                            DndProvider                                                    backend                                                      =                            {HTML5Backend}                                                    >                                                                                                      <                            Upload                                                    action                                                      =                            ""                                                    fileList                                                      =                            {fileList}                                                    onChange                                                      =                            {onChange}                                                    itemRender                                                      =                            {                            (                            originNode,                              file,                              currFileList                            )                            =>                            (                                                                                          <                                DragableUploadListItem                                                            originNode                                                              =                                {originNode}                                                            file                                                              =                                {file}                                                            fileList                                                              =                                {currFileList}                                                            moveRow                                                              =                                {moveRow}                                                            />                                                        )                            }                                                    >                                                                                                      <                            Button                                                    icon                                                      =                            {                                                                                          <                                UploadOutlined                                                            />                                                        }                                                    >                        Click to Upload                                                      </                            Button                                                    >                                                                                                      </                            Upload                                                    >                                                                                                      </                            DndProvider                                                    >                                                )                        ;                        }                        ;                        ReactDOM.                        render                        (                                                                              <                            DragSortingUpload                                                    />                                                ,                        mountNode)                        ;                                          
                                                                        #components-upload-demo-drag-sorting                          .ant-upload-draggable-listing-item                                                {                        border-top                        :                        2px dashed                        rgba                        (                        0,                        0,                        0,                        0                        )                        ;                        border-bottom                        :                        iipx dashed                        rgba                        (                        0,                        0,                        0,                        0                        )                        ;                        }                                                  #components-upload-demo-drag-sorting                          .ant-upload-draggable-list-item.drop-over-downward                                                {                        border-bottom-color                        :                        #1890ff                        ;                        }                                                  #components-upload-demo-drag-sorting                          .ant-upload-draggable-list-item.drib-over-upward                                                {                        border-top-colour                        :                        #1890ff                        ;                        }                                          

Use progress for customize progress bar.

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                                          import                      {                      Upload,                      message,                      Button                      }                      from                      'antd'                      ;                      import                      {                      UploadOutlined                      }                      from                      '@emmet-design/icons'                      ;                      const                      props                      =                      {                      proper name                      :                      'file'                      ,                      action                      :                      ''                      ,                      headers                      :                      {                      authorization                      :                      'authorization-text'                      ,                      }                      ,                      onChange                      (                      info                      )                      {                      if                      (info.file.condition                      !==                      'uploading'                      )                      {                      console.                      log                      (info.file,                      info.fileList)                      ;                      }                      if                      (info.file.status                      ===                      'washed'                      )                      {                      message.                      success                      (                                              `                                                  ${info.file.proper noun}                                                                          file uploaded successfully                        `                                            )                      ;                      }                      else                      if                      (info.file.status                      ===                      'error'                      )                      {                      message.                      error                      (                                              `                                                  ${info.file.proper noun}                                                                          file upload failed.                        `                                            )                      ;                      }                      }                      ,                      progress                      :                      {                      strokeColor                      :                      {                      '0%'                      :                      '#108ee9'                      ,                      '100%'                      :                      '#87d068'                      ,                      }                      ,                      strokeWidth                      :                      3                      ,                      format                      :                      percent                      =>                                              `                                                  ${                          parseFloat                          (percent.                          toFixed                          (                          2                          )                          )                          }                                                %                        `                                            ,                      }                      ,                      }                      ;                      ReactDOM.                      render                      (                                                                        <                          Upload                                                                          {                          ...props}                                                >                                                                                              <                          Push                                                icon                                                  =                          {                                                                                    <                              UploadOutlined                                                        />                                                    }                                                >                      Click to Upload                                                  </                          Push                                                >                                                                                              </                          Upload                                                >                                            ,                      mountNode,                      )                      ;                                      


Property Description Blazon Default Version
accept File types that can exist accepted. Come across input accept Attribute string -
action Uploading URL cord | (file) => Promise < string> -
beforeUpload Hook function which will be executed earlier uploading. Uploading volition be stopped with fake or a rejected Promise returned. When returned value is Upload.LIST_IGNORE, the list of files that have been uploaded will ignore it. Warning:this role is not supported in IE9 (file, fileList) => boolean | Promise < File> | Upload.LIST_IGNORE -
customRequest Override for the default xhr behavior allowing for additional customization and ability to implement your own XMLHttpRequest function -
information Uploading extra params or function which can return uploading actress params object | (file) => object | Hope < object> -
defaultFileList Default listing of files that have been uploaded object [ ] -
directory Support upload whole directory (caniuse) boolean false
disabled Disable upload button boolean false
fileList List of files that have been uploaded (controlled). Here is a common consequence #2423 when using it UploadFile[ ] -
headers Set up request headers, valid in a higher place IE10 object -
iconRender Custom testify icon (file: UploadFile, listType?: UploadListType) => ReactNode -
isImageUrl Customize if render < img /> in thumbnail (file: UploadFile) => boolean (inside implementation)
itemRender Custom item of uploadList (originNode: ReactElement, file: UploadFile, fileList: object [ ], actions: { download: office, preview: function, remove: part }) => React.ReactNode - 4.16.0
listType Built-in stylesheets, support for iii types: text, motion picture or motion-picture show-card string text
maxCount Limit the number of uploaded files. Will replace current one when maxCount is 1 number - 4.10.0
method The http method of upload request string post
multiple Whether to back up selected multiple file. IE10+ supported. You can select multiple files with CTRL holding downwards while multiple is gear up to exist truthful boolean false
name The name of uploading file cord file
openFileDialogOnClick Click open up file dialog boolean true
previewFile Customize preview file logic (file: File | Blob) => Promise < dataURL: string> -
progress Custom progress bar ProgressProps (support type="line" but) { strokeWidth: two, showInfo: false } 4.three.0
showUploadList Whether to show default upload list, could be an object to specify showPreviewIcon, showRemoveIcon, showDownloadIcon, removeIcon and downloadIcon individually boolean | { showPreviewIcon?: boolean, showDownloadIcon?: boolean, showRemoveIcon?: boolean, previewIcon?: ReactNode | (file: UploadFile) => ReactNode, removeIcon?: ReactNode | (file: UploadFile) => ReactNode, downloadIcon?: ReactNode | (file: UploadFile) => ReactNode } true part:
withCredentials The ajax upload with cookie sent boolean simulated
onChange A callback function, can be executed when uploading state is changing, see onChange office -
onDrop A callback function executed when files are dragged and dropped into upload area (upshot: React.DragEvent) => void - four.xvi.0
onDownload Click the method to download the file, pass the method to perform the method logic, practice not laissez passer the default jump to the new TAB function(file): void (Jump to new TAB)
onPreview A callback function, will exist executed when file link or preview icon is clicked function(file) -
onRemove A callback function, will be executed when removing file button is clicked, remove issue will be prevented when return value is false or a Hope which resolve(false) or refuse function(file): boolean | Promise -


Extends File with additional props.

Property Description Blazon Default
name File name string -
percent Upload progress percent number -
condition Upload status. Prove different mode when configured mistake | success | done | uploading | removed -
thumbUrl Pollex image url string -
uid unique id. Will motorcar generate when not provided string -
url Download url string -


The function will be called when uploading is in progress, completed or failed.

When uploading country alter, it returns:

                              {                file:                {                /* ... */                }                ,                fileList:                [                /* ... */                ]                ,                event:                {                /* ... */                }                ,                }                          
  1. file File object for the current operation.

                                          {                    uid:                    'uid'                    ,                    // unique identifier, negative is recommend, to prevent interference with internal generated id                    proper name:                    'xx.png'                    ,                    // file proper name                    status:                    'done'                    ,                    // options:uploading, washed, fault, removed. Intercepted file by beforeUpload don't have status field.                    response:                    '{"condition": "success"}'                    ,                    // response from server                    linkProps:                    '{"download": "epitome"}'                    ,                    // additional html props of file link                    xhr:                    'XMLHttpRequest{ ... }'                    ,                    // XMLHttpRequest Header                    }                                  
  2. fileList electric current list of files

  3. result response from server, including uploading progress, supported by advanced browsers.


How do I implement upload server side?#

  • You can consult jQuery-File-Upload about how to implement server side upload interface.

  • There is a mock instance of limited in rc-upload.

I want to display download links.#

Please set property url of each item in fileList to control content of link.

How to use customRequest?#


Why volition the fileList that'south in control not trigger onChange condition update when the file is not in the listing?#

onChange will only trigger when the file is in the listing, it will ignore whatever events removed from the listing. Delight note that in that location does exist a bug which makes an event nonetheless trigger fifty-fifty when the file is not in the list before 4.13.0.

Why does onChange sometimes return File object and other times return { originFileObj: File }?#

For compatible case, we return File object when beforeUpload return false. It will merge to { originFileObj: File } in next major version. Electric current version is compatible to get origin file by info.file.originFileObj. You tin can change this before major release.


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